Set it Up

Ok, so the idea here is that one whole weblahhg is contained in a single directory. What is stored in the directory?

  hobix.yaml <- configuration

  entries/   <- edit and organize
                your news items,
                articles and so on.

  skel/      <- contains your

  htdocs/    <- html is created here,
                store all your images here,
                this is your viewable

  lib/       <- extra hobix libraries
                (plugins) go here

One weblahhg can be shared with many authors. In the hobix.yaml file, you can store information about each author, as well as information about others who contribute to your websyht.

You also have a file of your own, a configuration file called .hobixrc, which contains a list of the weblahhgs you belong to.

Pull One From the Sky

If you would like to create your own weblahhg from scratch:

  hobix create blahhg ~/my-blog

On Windows, you might do:

  hobix create blahhg c:/my-blog

You will be prompted for a full path where the new weblahhg can be created. Don’t worry if the directory doesn’t yet exist, Hobix will take care of clearing a path for it.

Once you give it the path, Hobix will create all the necessary directories, as well as the hobix.yaml. You should also have a set of sample templates to get you started.

The create command will also offer you various “modes” for your templates. You are strongly recommended to use an Apache SSI mode if you have a web server which can handle the #include virtual directive.

Now, let’s generate your sy-yite:

  hobix regen blahhg

Joining Hands With Others

To join an existing weblahhg:

  hobix add other-blahhg /path/to/other-blahhg/hobix.yaml

You don’t need to be on a weblahhg’s author list to join the weblahhg. You just need permissions to edit the file. When you join, you will be added to the author list.

Leaving in a Cloud of Keystrokes

To remove a weblahhg from your configuration:

  hobix del other-blahhg

Please don’t be afraid to edit your configuration file yourself, should the commandline not suit your style.

See, here’s my .hobixrc:

    hobix: /usr/local/www/
    why: /usr/local/www/
  username: why
  use editor: true

That’s a YAML file. Very simple to edit. You can manually edit your information, safely add or edit your weblogs, and save back to your .hobixrc.

Enough then. Time to trick out your new Hoblahhg.